Journal of Community Safety & Well-being LEPH2021 Presenters: Call for papers to our special conference themed issue
As the official publication of the Sixth International Conference on Law Enforcement & Public Health (LEPH2021), the Journal of Community of Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) invites all presenters to submit the full article version of their conference presentation to be considered for publication. The Journal provides an excellent venue and opportunity to increase the visibility of your studies and investigations, as well as to share knowledge that will impact and improve approaches to overall law enforcement and public health.
The Journal of CSWB ( is publishing a collection of articles in upcoming issues to highlight works being presented at the LEPH2021 virtual conference.
We invite you to submit by March 1, 2021 to be considered for inclusion in the June 2021 issue.
Please email to confirm your willingness to submit a full manuscript by January 25, 2021.