Mukta Sharma, PhD
Regional Advisor, HIV/AIDS Hepatitis and Tuberculosis, WHO South East Asia Regional Office
& Board of Directors, GLEPHA
The aims of public health and public policing are exactly the same – ensuring the safety and well-being of the populations, yet the discourse, language and tools are so far from each other that one could be forgiven for seeing these are two completely different entities with different goals. Never before have we been confronted by the need for public safety, public health and emergency responses to come together as during now as we continue to fight the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences. More than ever before, we must speak each other’s language, or at least to understand it. We must understand what works to create understanding and partnership, and reflect not only on the evidence and tools, but better ways to share that across the law enforcement and public health agencies.
While the fields of law enforcement and public health may appear to have many disagreements on the surface, we at GLEPHA are committed to providing a safe space for all those committed to achieving effective and inclusive partnership approaches to complex health and security issues. This is what we strive to provide, and what we hope you will find, at the 6th International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health.
Please join us at the LEPH 2021 conference, where all of us – be it students, practitioners, academics and the wider community – can dialogue, agree on approaches, and act to secure the wellbeing of our communities. Covid-19 has taught us that we do not need to be face to face to be close, and technology that taught us virtual platforms can connect people at any time and any place. I look forward to seeing you, connecting with you and learning from each other at the LEPH 2021 conference.
Thank you, Mukta